Charlottesville Inclusive Media survey on local news

Thank you for participating in our 2024 audience survey!

Charlottesville Inclusive Media, a partnership between Charlottesville Tomorrow, Vinegar Hill Magazine and the In My Humble Opinion talk show, seeks to learn more about how central Virginia gets and uses its news and information. In prior surveys, respondents helped us better understand the types of reporting and information you need, and helped us innovate in the ways we provide it.

Have questions about this survey? Contact Ashley Harper at

Charlottesville Inclusive Media, a partnership between Charlottesville Tomorrow, Vinegar Hill Magazine and the In My Humble Opinion talk show, seeks to learn more about how central Virginia gets and uses its news and information. In prior surveys, respondents helped us better understand the types of reporting and information you need, and helped us innovate in the ways we provide it. This year, we want to know more about how you see our news and information ecosystem evolve, so that we can focus on what’s important to you.

These questions should take you less than five minutes to answer. We do not share any identifiable information outside our team; when we share results, we only show total numbers and anonymized comments.

Have questions about this survey? Contact Ashley Harper at