Join Charlottesville Inclusive Media at Soul of Cville 2023 for a conversation about why we need to tell our own stories. Charles Lewis, co-host of In My Humble Opinion, and Sarad Davenport, Chief Operation Officer of Vinegar Hill Magazine, will be joined by storyteller Charley Burton and photographer Marley Nichelle to talk about First Person Charlottesville and the power of telling our truths.
The founding partners of the Charlottesville Inclusive Media project are Charlottesville Tomorrow, a nonprofit public service news organization, the In My Humble Opinion Talk Show, an African American female-owned digital production company, and Vinegar Hill Magazine, an independent African American publishing company.
The panel is free and for all ages on August 13 at 1 p.m. at IX Park. Find more about the three-day Soul of Cville festival, which includes food, art and music, and the presentation of the L.I.T. Scholarship for Black youth.